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The RFM26W module is high-performance, low current transceiver covering the sub-GHz frequency bands from 142 to1050 MHz. It offers outstanding sensitivity of –126 dBm while achieving extremely low active and standby current consumption. The RFM26W offers continuous frequency coverage across the entire sub-GHz band from 142–1050 MHz with extremely fine frequency resolution. The RFM26W includes optimal phase noise, blocking, and selectivity performance for narrow band and licensed band applications such as FCC Part90 and 169 MHz wireless Mbus. The 50 dB adjacent channel selectivity with 25 kHz channel spacing ensures robust receive operation in harsh RF conditions, which is particularly important for narrowband operation. The RFM26W offers exceptional output power of up to +20 dBm with outstanding TX efficiency. The high output power and sensitivity results in an industry leading link budget of 146 dB allowing extended ranges and highly robust communication links. The RFM26W can achieve up to +27 dBm output power with built in ramping control of a low-cost, external FET. The devices are compliant with all worldwide regulatory standards:The module is compliant with all worldwide regulatory standards: FCC, ETSI, and ARIB. All devices are designed to be compliant with 802.15.4g and WMbus smart metering standards.
