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The Atmel® | SMART ARM926EJ-S™-based SAM9G45 embeddedmicroprocessor unit (eMPU) features the frequently demanded combination ofuser interface functionality and high data rate connectivity, including LCDcontroller, resistive touchscreen, camera interface, audio, Ethernet 10/100 andhigh speed USB and SDIO. With the processor running at 400 MHz and multiple100+ Mbps data rate peripherals, the SAM9G45 provides adequate performanceand bandwidth to the network or local storage media.The SAM9G45 eMPU supports DDR2 and NAND Flash memory interfaces forprogram and data storage. An internal 133 MHz multi-layer bus architectureassociated with 37 DMA channels, a dual external bus interface and distributedmemory including a 64 Kbyte SRAM which can be configured as a tightly coupledmemory (TCM) sustains the high bandwidth required by the processor and thehigh speed peripherals.A True Random Number Generator is embedded for key generation andexchange protocols.The I/Os support 1.8V or 3.3V operation, which are independently configurable forthe memory interface and peripheral I/Os. This feature completely eliminates theneed for any external level shifters. In addition it supports 0.8 mm ball pitchpackage for low cost PCB manufacturing.The SAM9G45 power management controller features efficient clock gating and abattery backup section minimizing power consumption in active and standbymodes.
