The AT91M40800 microcontroller is a member of the Atmel AT91 16/32-bit microcontroller family, which is based on the ARM7TDMI processor core. This processor has a high-performance 32-bit RISC architecture with a high-density 16-bit instruction set and very low power consumption. In addition, a large number of internally banked registers result in very fast exception handling, making the device ideal for real-time control applications. The AT91M40800 microcontroller features a direct connection to off-chip memory, including Flash, through the fully-programmable External Bus Interface (EBI). An eight-level priority vectored interrupt controller, in conjunction with the Peripheral Data Controller, significantly improves the real-time performance of the device. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density CMOS technology. By combining the ARM7TDMI processor core withon-chip high-speed memory and a wide range of peripheral functions on a monolithic chip, the AT91M40800 is a powerful microcontroller that offers a flexible, cost-effective solution to many compute-intensive embedded control applications.